Peer-reviewed Articles

Kluknavská, Alena, Olga Eisele, Monika Bartkowska & Nina Kriegler (2024): A Question of Truth: Accusations of Untruthfulness by Populist and Non-Populist Politicians on Facebook during the COVID-19 Crisis. Information, Communication & Society.

Eisele, Olga, Britta C. Brugman & Sarah Marschlich (2024): The moral foundations of responsible business: Using computational text analysis to explore the salience of morality in CSR communication. Public Relations Review, 50(2).

Brändle, Verena, Olga Eisele & Aytalina Kulichkina (2023): The Political Contention of LGBTQ+ in the Digital Age - State of the Art, Limitations, and Opportunities for Comparative Research. Journal of Information Technology and Politics.

Kluknavská, Alena, Martina Novotná & Olga Eisele (2023): Fuming Mad or Jumping with Joy? Emotional Responses to Incivility, Post-truth Communication and Populism on Facebook during the COVID-19 Crisis. Mass Communication & Society.

Eisele, Olga, Tobias Heidenreich, Olga Litvyak & Hajo G. Boomgaarden (2023): Capturing a News Frame - Comparing Machine-Learning Approaches to Frame Analysis with Different Degrees of Supervision. Communication Methods and Measures. 

Eisele, Olga, Tobias Heidenreich, Nina Kriegler, Pamina Syed Ali & Hajo G. Boomgaarden (2023): A Window of Opportunity? The Relevance of the Rotating EU Presidency in the Public Eye. European Union Politics, 24(2), 327-347.

Eisele, Olga & Sanja Hajdinjak (2022): Entrenching Positions? The Dynamics of Brexit Negotiations Mirrored in British, Irish, and EU Executive Speeches. Journal of Contemporary European Studies.

Brändle, Verena K. & Olga Eisele (2022): A Thin Line: Governmental Border Communication in Times of European Crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(3), 597-615.

Eisele, Olga, Elena Escalante-Block, Alena Kluknavská & Hajo G. Boomgaarden (2022): The Politicizing Spark? Exploring the Impact of #MeToo in the Gender Equality Discourse in Australian Print Media. Australian Journal of Political Science, 57(4), 309-327.

Heidenreich, Tobias, Olga Eisele, Kohei Watanabe & Hajo G. Boomgaarden (2022): Exploring Engagement with EU News on Facebook: The Influence of Content Characteristics. Politics & Governance, 10(1), 121-132.

Lind, Fabienne, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Olga Eisele, Tobias Heidenreich, Sebastian Galyga & Hajo Boomgaarden (2022): Building the Bridge: Topic Modelling for Comparative Research. Communication Methods and Measures, 16(2), 96-114.

Kluknavská, Alena & Olga Eisele (2021): Trump and Circumstance. Introducing the Post-Truth Claim as an Instrument for Investigating Truth Contestation in Public Discourse. Information, Communication & Society, 26(8), 1583-1600.

Eisele, Olga, Olga Litvyak, Verena K. Brändle, Paul Balluff, Andreas Fischeneder, Catherine Sotirakou, Pamina Syed Ali & Hajo G. Boomgaarden (2021): An Emotional Rally: Exploring Commenters' Responses to Online News Coverage of the COVID-19 Crisis in Austria. Digital Journalism, 10(6), 952-975.

Eisele, Olga, Petro Tolochko & Hajo Boomgaarden (2021): How do Executives communicate about Crises? A Framework for Comparative Analysis. European Journal of Political Research, 61(4), 953-972.

Durán-Mogollón, Lía, Olga Eisele & Maria Paschou (2021): Applied Solidarity in Times of Crises – Exploring the Context of Civil Society Activities in Greece and GermanyActa Politica, 56, 308-329.

Song, Hyunjin, Jakob-Moritz Eberl & Olga Eisele (2020): Less Fragmented Than We Thought? Towards Clarification of a Subdisciplinary Linkage in Communication Science, 2010-2019Journal of Communication,70(3), 310-334.

Song, Hyunjin, Petro Tolochko, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Olga Eisele, Esther Greussing, Fabienne Lind, Tobias Heidenreich, Sebastian Galyga, Hajo Boomgaarden (2020): In Validations We Trust? The Impact of Imperfect Human Annotations as a Gold Standard on the Quality of Validation of Automated Content AnalysisPolitical Communication, 37(4), 550-572.

Eisele, Olga (2020): Falling on Deaf Ears? Exploring the Effects of Newspaper Coverage of the European Parliament on Public Support for It. Parliamentary Affairs, 73(1), 186-210.

Brändle, Verena K., Olga Eisele & Hans-Jörg Trenz (2019): Contesting European Solidarity During the “Refugee Crisis”: A Comparative Investigation of Media Claims in Denmark, Germany, Greece and Italy. Mass Communication and Society, 22(6), 708-732.

Brändle, Verena K. & Olga Eisele (2019): Sharing is caring? Exploring the Relationship between Online Participation and Individual Support for Solidarity between EU Member States. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(4), 523-537.

Kurowska, Anna, Olga Eisele & Johannes Kiess (2019): Welfare State Attitudes and Expressions of (Trans-)national Solidarity. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(4), 492-505.

Auel, Katrin, Olga Eisele & Lucy Kinski (2018): What Happens in Parliament Stays in Parliament? Newspaper Coverage of National Parliaments in EU Affairs. Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(3), 628-45.

Eisele, Olga (2017): Complementing, Competing, or Co-operating? Exploring Newspapers’ Portrayals of the European Parliament and National Parliaments in EU Affairs. Journal of European Integration, 39(4), 435-51. 

Auel, Katrin, Olga Eisele & Lucy Kinski (2016): From Constraining to Catalysing Dissensus? The Impact of Political Contestation on the Parliamentary Communication of EU Affairs. Comparative European Politics, 14(2), 154-76. 


Eisele, Olga, Tobias Heidenreich & Hajo G. Boomgaarden (2022): x-pr: A Dataset of 12 Years of eXecutives' Press Releases. AUSSDA: Vienna.

Lahusen, Christian, Manlio Cinalli, Hans-Jörg Trenz, Olga Eisele & Verena K. Brändle (2021). 'TransSOL - Transnational solidarity and collective identities in the public sphere. Datasets'. Mannheim: GESIS - SowiDataNet | datorium. 


Cinalli, Manlio, Hans-Jörg Trenz, Verena K. Brändle, Olga Eisele & Christian Lahusen (2021): 'Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention over Refugees in Europe'. Routledge.

Book Chapters

Eisele, Olga & Tobias Heidenreich. European Union. Accepted for publication in Elgar Encyclopaedia of Political Communication. Edited by Alessandro Nai, Max Grömping & Dominique Wirz; Edward Elgar Publishing.

Trenz, Hans-Jörg, Verena K. Brändle, Manlio Cinalli & Olga Eisele (2020): ‘Taking voice and taking sides: the role of social media commenting in solidarity contestation’. In: Lahusen, Christian (ed.): Citizens’ solidarity in Europe. Civic engagement and public discourse in times of crises. Edward Elgar, p. 149-176.

Cinalli, Manlio, Olga Eisele, Verena K. Brändle & Hans-Jörg Trenz (2020): ‘Solidarity contestation in the public domain during the ‘refugee crisis’’. In: Lahusen, Christian (ed.): Citizens’ solidarity in Europe. Civic engagement and public discourse in times of crises. Edward Elgar, p. 120-148.

Eisele, Olga & Lucy Kinski (2014): Kommunikatives Schweigen? Zur Kommunikationsfunktion nationaler Parlamente in EU-Angelegenheiten. In: Frieß, Dennis, Julia Jax and Anna Michalski (eds.): Sprechen Sie EU? Das kommunikative Versagen einer großen Idee. Berlin: Frank und Timme GmbH, p. 113-32. 

Blogs / Working Papers

Heidenreich, Tobias & Olga Eisele (2023): Wer als "fremd" gilt: Die Darstellung verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen in politischen Statements. WZB Mitteilungen online. 

Brändle, Verena K. & Olga Eisele (2023): Why We Need to Understand How EU Governments Communicate About Borders. The JCMS Blog - Insights from the Journal of Common Market Studies. 

Fischeneder, Andreas, Paul Balluff, Hajo Boomgaarden, Olga Eisele, Olga Litvyak & Verena K. Brändle (2020):  Berichterstattung über die COVID-19 Krise in Standard und Krone. Corona Panel Blog No. 92. 

Eisele, Olga (2016): Democratic Deaf-icit? Looking at newspapers in Finland, Germany and the UK, it seems that citizens have very different chances to learn what their European representatives are up to. PADEMIA Research Note Series, 5.

Barnickel, Christiane, Olga Eisele, Katja Kruse & Christina Ücker (2010): Die Europäische Union: ein außenpolitisches Chamäleon? Eine systematische Bestandsaufnahme. F.I.T. Discussion Papers, 1/10.

Other Publications for the Community / General Public

'Wie sprechen wir, wenn wir über Krisen sprechen?' [How do we speak about crises?]; article about the Tango project published on the Societal Impact Platform of the Social Science Faculty of the University of Vienna, 17 Jan 2022.

'How the EU manages its crises'; article on 'How do Executives Communicate about Crises' (paper in European Journal of Political Research) published in scilog/project of the week, Magazine of the Austrian Science Fund, 8 Nov 2021.

'EU-Forschung geht nicht ohne Krisenforschung'  [There is no EU research without crisis research]; article on the Tango project published in uni:view, Magazine of Vienna University, 29 Jan 2019.